About Us

Welcome to PolaroidPainting.
We are a dedicated husband and wife team who have been painting portraits for over 25 years. Our journey into the world of art began as a simple act of giving - creating heartfelt paintings as gifts for our loved ones. As word spread about our work, our art organically grew into something much larger than we anticipated.
In 2014, we faced a devastating loss - the passing of our youngest son. Art, for us, became a beacon of light in the darkness, a path to navigate the unchartered terrain of grief. It was during this time we found a new purpose for our painting - creating portraits for those who had also experienced the heart-wrenching loss of a loved one. We did art for people, individuals we discovered through social media, news stories, or simply word of mouth.
We eventually created around 150 paintings and drawings for people from all walks of life, from the unknown to the famous. We never asked for any payment. The joy and solace our paintings brought to people were our greatest reward. Knowing that our art helped others feel that their loved ones were remembered and celebrated brought a deep sense of fulfillment.
We believe in the power of art to heal, to remember, and to connect. Our personal journey has imbued our work with a depth of emotion that is evident in every portrait we create. We understand that a painting is not just a piece of art - it is a cherished memory, a tribute, a symbol of love.
We invite you to be a part of our journey. When you choose PolaroidPainting, you are not just purchasing a portrait. You are investing in a piece of art that has been crafted with care, love, and an understanding of life's profound moments. We are honored to have the opportunity to paint for you and to help you preserve your cherished memories on canvas.